Latest Past Events

Tuck the Trail In for Winter!

Green Bay Trail at Harbor St. Green Bay Trail and Harbor Street, Glencoe

It's time to get the trail ready for winter. We will be raking up an area that a has been mowed. We recommend you wear work gloves, long pants and […]

9th Annual Buckthorn Barbeque: “Tracks on the Trail”

Chicago Botanic Garden 1000 Lake Cook Rd,, Glencoe

Join us at our 9th annual Buckthorn Barbecue. Geoffrey Baer, WTTW and PBS host and film maker, will be the keynote speaker and will share his in-depth review of the Green Bay Trail’s rich history. LEARN MORE

Lend a Hand (at Harbor St.)

Green Bay Trail at Harbor St. Green Bay Trail and Harbor Street, Glencoe

Join the Friends of the Green Bay Trail to enjoy the trail’s blooms and butterflies and remove invasive plants and weeds. Bring gloves, clippers and shears. Long pants and closed […]

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