Put the Trail to Bed

Green Bay Trail & Mary St. 278 Mary Street, Winnetka, IL, United States

Meet Trail Day stewards at the Mary St, entrance to the Green Bay Trail, south of  Glencoe’s Harbor Ave. The day’s agenda will be discussed at that time. Work will vary by season and may include installing fencing around new shrubs, planting native plants, removing invasive plants, collecting native plant seeds and seasonal trail maintenance. […]

Event Series Trail Seed Cleaning

Trail Seed Cleaning – NEW DATE/TIME/LOCATION

Takiff Center 999 Green Bay Rd, Glencoe, IL, United States

Shake Rattle and Roll with the Friends DATE CHANGED FROM 11/11 to 11/18 TIME CHANGED TO 9-11 AM AT THE TAKIFF CENTER Join the Friends to sort, clean and separate seeds gathered from the trail’s native plants. The sorting process includes shaking, rattling and the occasional use of golf balls in containers to release seeds […]

8th Annual Winter Solstice Parade of Lights

Shelton Park Shelton Park, Glencoe, IL, United States

Decorate yourself, family, dogs, strollers or wagons with lights and things that glow. No candles or open flames, please! Meet at Glencoe’s Shelton Park playground for a festive musical presentation. Stroll the Green Bay trail to sing songs and celebrate the arrival of longer days. Festivities will end at the Shelton Park fire pit to […]



Approximately a trillion red-eyed flying cicadas will hatch in the U.S. this spring as two adjacent broods emerge from the ground. This double hit of cicadas has not happened since 1803 and Illinois will witness the action. Program is presented by cicada expert Dr. Gene Kritsky, professor emeritus of biology at Mount  ST. Joseph University […]

Earth Day Community Clean-Up

Glencoe Beach 160 Hazel Ave, Glencoe, IL, United States

In celebration of Earth Day, help clean up Glencoe Beach and Robert Everly Wildflower Sanctuary. Find Friends at Glencoe Beach where Earth Day information and crafts will be offered. This event is free, but everyone who volunteers must register and sign a waiver. Register at: https://glencoeparkdistrict.com/earth-day This is a rain or shine event, please dress […]


Glencoe Public Library 320 Park Ave, Glencoe, IL, United States

Let’s talk dirt! To celebrate International Compost Awareness Week, a panel of speakers with experience in composting will help you get started and address your questions, comments, and concerns. The panel will consist of residents and community and business leaders with experience in either composting on their own or hiring composting companies. Cosponsored by the Glencoe […]

Opening Trail Restoration Day

Green Bay Trail & Mary St. 278 Mary Street, Winnetka, IL, United States

Opening Trail Restoration Day 9 am -11 am Join us as we celebrate spring by planting natives on the Green Bay Trail! This winter, Friends of the Green Bay Trail sowed 18 different native plant varieties at the Glencoe Park District’s greenhouse. We plan to plant 1000 of the more than 4000 plugs that are […]

Spring Bird Walk

Glencoe Golf Club 621 Westly Rd., Glencoe, IL, United States

Join area expert birder, Tim Joyce, of Wild Birds Unlimited, for a bird walk along the Glencoe Golf Club’s forested borders. Dress for the weather and ground conditions. Bring binoculars and a small note pad. The walk will not be cancelled for light rain. A cancellation notice will be sent if storms are forecasted. Participation […]

Trail Restoration Day

Green Bay Trail & Mary St. 278 Mary Street, Winnetka, IL, United States

Lend a hand at Trail Bi-weekly gatherings Saturdays at 9am -11am Mary St. entrance to the Trail Meet Trail Day stewards at the Mary St, entrance to the Green Bay Trail, south of Glencoe’s Harbor Ave. The day’s agenda will be discussed at that time. Work will vary by season and may include installing fencing […]

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