Sam Mulvaney
Butterflies and Other Insects 2020
Beetles on opening seed pod
Ross Firestone
Bees and goldenrod
Betty Gabel
Hey, You Can’t Beetle Me
Zoe Harvey
Colors of the Trail
Zoe Harvey
A Sip of Nectar
Blair Nathan
Monarch Butterfly on Goldenrod
Blair Nathan
Lady bug
riley B
Noa Chamberlin
Gypsy Dance
Jo-Ellen Konradt
Bee takes center stage
Regina Siske
Gypsy Dance
Jo-Ellen Konradt
Baby Moth Meets Flower
Babe Parker
Flower Flight
Jennifer Helsdingen
Hope Comes When you Least Expect it
Sam Geiger
Bee On Golden Rod
Larry Saret
White On White
Larry Saret
Feeding on Milkweed
Susan Holtz
Daring Greatly
Susan Holtz
Butterfly Pit-Stop
Tom Goettsche
Tom Goettsche
The Bee’s Knees
Andrea Koran
An Ant Rests in a Queen Anne’s Lace Bed
susan myrick
Busy Bee
Philomena O’Halloran
Summer’s End
Regina Siske
Periodic Cicada
Dorr St.Clair
The GB Trail is a TWEET place for a walk with Wild Birds Unlimited. “Insects are very important to birds,” our expert bird watcher explained.
Jen Pen Richards
Feasting on a Flower
Lev Reyzin
The Silence of the Trail
Debbie Weiner
Bee Season
Debbie Weiner
A hover fly – a fly that looks like a bee!
John Berwanger
Dragonfly resting on a piece of grass
Eric Schmidt
Grasshopper resting on a milkweed leaf.
Eric Schmidt
Monarch Mealtime
Katie Lawrence
Sunflower & the Bee
Karen Johnson
Free at last!
Becky Maganuco
Caterpillar camouflage
Fernanda Pignato
Isabel Mcmartin
Hummingbird Moth Feeding on a Milkweed
John Berwanger
I’ve got my eye on you.
Betsy Leibson
Beetle on Queen Anne’s Lace
Joseph Palladino
This butterfly likes me
Cam Avery
The best Saturday bike ride
Rachel McCaw
Let’s BEE friends.
Jen Pen Richards
Coneflower and Friend
Marci Surpin
Happy Pollinator
Fred Benjamin
Butterfly Loves Flower
Charles Wang
Eclosion Explosion (Cicada Nymph Skins)
Craig Witty