Event Series Trail Work Days – Lend a Hand

Trail Work Days – Lend a Hand

Green Bay Trail & Mary St. 278 Mary Street, Winnetka, IL, United States

Meet at 9AM.  The day’s work plan will include removing invasive plants, deadheading native plants and collecting seeds to sow on the trail next year.  Wear closed toe shoes. Bring work gloves and pruners if you have them. We will not cancel for sprinkles but will do so for heavy rain or other weather conditions.  […]

Event Series Trail Seed Cleaning

Trail Seed Cleaning

Shake Rattle and Roll with the Friends. Saturdays, 2 - 4 PM. Join the Friends to sort, clean and separate seeds gathered from the trail’s native plants.  The sorting process includes shaking, rattling and the occasional use of golf balls in containers  to release seeds from dried seed heads.  Cleaned seeds will be prepared for […]

Event Series Trail Work Days – Lend a Hand

Trail Work Days – Lend a Hand

Green Bay Trail & Mary St. 278 Mary Street, Winnetka, IL, United States

Meet at 9AM.  The day’s work plan will include removing invasive plants, deadheading native plants and collecting seeds to sow on the trail next year.  Wear closed toe shoes. Bring work gloves and pruners if you have them. We will not cancel for sprinkles but will do so for heavy rain or other weather conditions.  […]

Event Series Trail Seed Cleaning

Trail Seed Cleaning

Shake Rattle and Roll with the Friends. Saturdays, 2 - 4 PM. Join the Friends to sort, clean and separate seeds gathered from the trail’s native plants.  The sorting process includes shaking, rattling and the occasional use of golf balls in containers  to release seeds from dried seed heads.  Cleaned seeds will be prepared for […]

Event Series Trail Work Days – Lend a Hand

Trail Work Days – Lend a Hand

Green Bay Trail & Mary St. 278 Mary Street, Winnetka, IL, United States

Meet at 9AM.  The day’s work plan will include removing invasive plants, deadheading native plants and collecting seeds to sow on the trail next year.  Wear closed toe shoes. Bring work gloves and pruners if you have them. We will not cancel for sprinkles but will do so for heavy rain or other weather conditions.  […]

Event Series Trail Work Days – Lend a Hand

Trail Work Days – Lend a Hand

Green Bay Trail & Mary St. 278 Mary Street, Winnetka, IL, United States

Meet at 9AM.  The day’s work plan will include removing invasive plants, deadheading native plants and collecting seeds to sow on the trail next year.  Wear closed toe shoes. Bring work gloves and pruners if you have them. We will not cancel for sprinkles but will do so for heavy rain or other weather conditions.  […]

Event Series Trail Seed Cleaning

FINAL Trail Seed Cleaning Day

Final Seed Cleaning Day - Shake Rattle and Roll with the FriendsSaturday, November 19,  9AM - Noon Join the Friends as they sort, clean, and separate seeds gathered from the trail. Cleaned seeds will be dispersed on the trail after the first snowfall. RSVP to tell us you are coming, and we will send the […]

FREE: 7th Annual Winter Solstice Parade of Lights

Shelton Park Shelton Park, Glencoe, IL, United States

Decorate yourself, family, dogs, strollers or wagons with lights and things that glow. No candles or open flames, please! Meet at Glencoe’s Shelton Park playground for a festive presentation. Stroll the Green Bay trail to sing songs and celebrate the arrival of longer days.  Festivities will end at the Shelton Park fire pit to enjoy […]

Water in a Time of Rapidly Changing Climate


Reliable supplies of water are threatened by scarcity, excess, wild fluctuations between these extremes, and pollution. In the Great Lakes region, some communities enjoy ample supplies and others do not, but they all face the "threat multiplier" of a rapidly changing climate. Kimberly Gray, chair of the civil and environmental engineering department at Northwestern University, […]

2022 Green Bay Trail Photo Contest Artist reception

Glencoe Youth Services 680 Greenwood Ave, Glencoe, United States

It's been said that the two most engaging powers of a photograph are to make new things familiar and familiar things new. Come see the Green Bay Trail in a new light as GYS proudly presents winning photographs of the 2022 Friends of the Green Bay Trail Photo Contest. Join us for the opening reception as the photographers discuss […]

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